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Soil and water measurements

Water measurements are a bit more complex than those in air, at least for lower-cost sensors. Here, we are generally limited to physico-chemical parameters such as pH, conductivity, dissolved oxygen and similar. Similar to air measurements, when the data board by itself can't read the sensor directly, we need to use interface electronics to get reading from them.

Before we start

Two important notes:

  1. A lot of the materials from this guide are taken from Atlas Scientific datasheets. All credit to the well-designed images is theirs. We have integrated these probes in the Smart Citizen Kit because of their quality and good documentation. This page is not meant to be a replacement for Atlas Scientific documents and we do not have any affiliation to Atlas Scientific.
  2. There is also additional webinars that can support this page in more detail. Here you can find the presentation and the link to the videos below:

Supported sensors