CO2 Measurements¶
Carbon dioxide (CO2) is a colorless gas produced by the combustion of all carbon-based fuels, such as methane (natural gas), petroleum distillates (gasoline, diesel, kerosene, propane), coal, wood and generic organic matter. Carbon dioxide is the most significant long-lived greenhouse gas in Earth's atmosphere. Although not a pollutant per se, CO2 can also be considered an indicator of ventilation, and several international norms indicate levels of CO2 that are recommended depending on different indoor space categories (EN 15251, EN 16789, EN 13779 and ASHRAE 62.1 standards).
Supported sensors¶
Most CO2 sensors in the low cost range are NDIR (NonDispersive InfraRed sensors), a type of sensor that emits light and uses infrared absorption to measure CO2. This is the principle that the SCD30 uses, which you can directly plug into the Auxiliary port of the Smart Citizen Kit (2.1 and above). There are some other types of sensor, for instance the SCD4X which is on its way to be supported on the SCK.