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Sending data to a different platform

You can have data in real-time on your own data platform in two different ways.

Directly from the device

In case you don't want to use the Smart Citizen Platform, you can also configure the kit to send the data to a different location via MQTT. This guide, explains how to do so. You will need to ingest data listening to the following MQTT topics:

  • Sensor readings: device/sck/<token>/readings (old firmware versions) or device/sck/<token>/readings/raw (newer firmware versions) with the following format:

        t:<ISO8601 TIMESTAMP>,
        <sensor_id>: <sensor_value>,


        55: 22.1,
        102: 43.11

    Note that the JSON representation is not standard, as it does not use quotes. Also, note that the definition of what sensor the sensor_id refers to can be found in the sensors endpoint.

  • Device info: device/sck/<token>/info. Information about the kit, such as firmware versions, or debugging information:

        "time":<ISO8601 TIMESTAMP>
        "hw_ver":<HW VERSION>,
        "id":"<HW ID>",



Forwarding from the data platform

You can also forward data from the Smart Citizen Platform itself, with a more complete payload, ready to ingest with a whole lot of additional metadata and information. Check the data forwarding documentation.