Welcome to the Smart Citizen project documentation! Check the different sections or get started with our guides.
Main: Contains the Smart Citizen Kit and Smart Citizen Station documentation to help you get started. Visit the Hardware architecture page to understand a bit better how you can better use all the SCK possibilities
Data: Contains all the documentation on data, from collection, storage to analysis and calibration:
- Platform: Contains all the documentation on the online platform where data is collected, stored and visualised
- API: the documentation of our RESTFUL API and how to interact with it
- Data Analysis: Contains all the documentation on the data post-processing framework to analyse the sensors data
Use cases: Contains documentation and use cases examples how to use our tools with your local community.
Guides: Contains step-by-step guides for different features of the kit, how to get started, use the shell, or make some more advanced analysis of the sensor readings!
Legacy Hardware: Are you a pioneer of participatory sensing looking for the original SCK 1.0 and SCK 1.1 documentation? Check the Legacy Hardware section!
A note about versions
The new Smart Citizen Kit and the Smart Citizen Station development was possible thanks to iSCAPE, a project under European Community’s H2020 Programme (Grant Agreement No. 689954)
The documentation contains multiple guides as step-by-step tutorials to perform essential tasks as installing a kit or upgrading it's firmware:
Example guides
Open Source¶
We're against black boxes!
The entire project is released under open source licenses:
- Hardware components: CERN Open Hardware License v1.2
- Core firmware: GNU GPL v3.0
- Software platform: GNU AGLP v3.0
Check the Source files section for each component and explore the software source code and the hardware blueprints.