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Urban Board

The Urban Board is a passive board that contains a selection of low-cost sensors for environmental monitoring, and a connector for a PM sensor. The measurements it takes depend on the version, but overall, it is capable of measurements such as:

  • Temperature and Relative Humidity
  • Barometric Pressure
  • Noise Level and Frequency Spectrum
  • Light (including UV-index after the 2.2 version)
  • Air Quality Indicators (depending on the version)
  • PM

The Urban Board has undergone several modifications throughout its development, and its current version is the V2.3. Below you can see all versions:

SCK2.3 Urban Board

SCK2.2 Urban Board

SCK2.1 Urban Board

Check the design files


The Urban Board connects to the Data Board with the connector labeled SENSOR BOARD:

PM sensor connection

Custom cable

Note that the PM cable, both for PMS5003 or the SEN5X, are custom made.


Measurement Units Sensor
Air temperature ºC Sensirion SHT-31
Relative Humidity % REL Sensirion SHT-31
Noise level dBA, dBC or dBZ Invensense ICS-434342
Ambient light lux Rohm BH1721FVC
Barometric pressure kPa NXP MPL3115A26S
UV-A, B, C uW/cm2 AMS AS7311
PM1, PM2.5, PM4 and PM10 µg/m3 Sensirion SEN5X
NOx Index, VOCs Index (Optional) - Sensirion SEN54, 55
Measurement Units Sensor
Air temperature ºC Sensirion SHT-31
Relative Humidity % REL Sensirion SHT-31
Noise level dBA, dBC or dBZ Invensense ICS-434342
Ambient light lux Rohm BH1721FVC
Barometric pressure kPa ST LPS33K
UV-A, B, C uW/cm2 AMS AS7311
PM1, PM2.5, PM4 and PM10 µg/m3 Sensirion SEN5X
NOx Index, VOCs Index (Optional) - Sensirion SEN54, 55
Measurement Units Sensor
Air Temperature ºC Sensirion SHT-31
Relative Humidity % REL Sensirion SHT-31
Noise Level and Spectrum dBA, dBC or dBZ Invensense ICS-43432
Ambient Light Lux Rohm BH1721FVC
Barometric pressure and AMSL kPa and Meters NXP MPL3115A2
eCO2 and TVOC ppm/ppb AMS CCS811
PM1, PM2.5 and PM10 µg/m3 Plantower PMS5003

Design files

You can find all the design files for the different versions of the Urban Board in the hardware repository.

Check the design files

Previous versions

Previous versions of the SCK, are in their respective repositories: