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The firmware is OOP (Object Oriented Programming) and is entirely written in C++, building upon the arduino core. Both processors on the Data Board, the core microcontroller (Atmel SAMD21) and the WiFi Antenna (ESP8266 WiFi), work together and are developed in parallel.

Contribute to the firmware

The firmware is entirely open source, and is continuosly developed in the firmware repository. Issues and Pull requests are welcome!

The firmware in the core microcontroller (Atmel SAMD21) is in charge of running the show by interacting with all the sensors, take readings, manage configuration of those, and handle all user interactions. It also manages the communication to the SD-card, as well as other peripherals like the battery charger, or the flash memory. Finally, it also is in charge of interacting with the WiFi Antenna (ESP8266) via serial communication, which manages the data publication over WiFi.

The WiFi antenna is also in charge of getting network time via NTP syncing the built-in RTC, manage connection to the MQTT broker, and interact with the SAMD21 for data publication.


Sensor auto-detection

Any supported sensor connected to the data board is autodetected and enabled if the configuration defaults to that. This means, that the firmware can be configure to autodetect a series of supported sensors, and that each sensor can be enabled or disabled, both by default, or by shell configuration.

Below, you can see an example of sensor auto-detection, which happens on boot:

Enabling Temperature
Enabling Humidity
Enabling Noise dBA
Enabling MPL Barometric pressure
SEN5X: found sensor model SEN50
Enabling SEN5X PM 1.0
Enabling SEN5X PM 2.5
Enabling SEN5X PM 4.0
Enabling SEN5X PM 10.0
Enabling SEN5X PN 0.5
Enabling SEN5X PN 1.0
Enabling SEN5X PN 2.5
Enabling SEN5X PN 4.0
Enabling SEN5X PN 10.0
Enabling SEN5X Typical Particle Size
Enabling AS7331 UVA
Enabling AS7331 UVB
Enabling AS7331 UVC

Configuration via Shell

The board firmware is fully customizable without requiring any changes to the core software. That includes enabling or disabling sensors, the sampling frequency of the sensors or the operation mode, among many other settings. There different configuration options via the Shell are available when the board is connected over USB.


Have a look at the guide for different platforms here.

Flash storage

The Smart Citizen Kit (from 2.1 onwards) readings are stored in an onboard flash memory buffer before being published. If the SCK RTC clock is in sync, the SCK will start taking readings and saving them in the flash memory. If an SD-card is available, it will also save them there and, if the Wi-Fi credentials and platform token are configured, the data will be published to the network via MQTT. In other words, we will always have a backup for the readings taken during the last ~70 days in the flash memory.

Hold your horses

The rest of this section is very technical, and it's meant to document how the implementation was done for anyone willing to reuse it.


The memory chip that we use (S25FL064L), it's an 8 MB SPI flash nonvolatile memory. To manage it, we use the SPI Memory Arduino library. The minimum erasable unit is a 4kb sector, the full memory contains 2,048 sectors with a total of 8,388,608 bytes or 8 MB.

A normal reading group with the default urban board is composed of 11 readings. That means that we expect each reading to take 7 bytes: an average of 5 bytes for the reading itself plus 2 overhead bytes for the type of sensor and the reading size. Each group should have a total of 77 bytes of readings, 2 bytes of size, 2 bytes of flags and 4 bytes of the time stamp. That means we can expect a normal group to be around 85 bytes. This means we can store almost 100,000 groups of readings, or around 70 days of readings with standard sensor hardware. This number can vary a little, though.

About flash memory lifespan, rounding numbers we can say we have enough space to store 2 months (60 days) of readings, according to the Flash memory datasheet we have at least 100,000 erase cycles: 2 months per cycle means 200,000 months, so we can expect more than 16k years!.

Data organization

Flash sectors

The minimum erasable unit is a sector (4 KB), so we use this as a base for data organization. On the first 3 bytes of each sector we store information about its contents, in this way we can find which ones are empty, currently in use or have valid data.

enum SectorAddr {
    SECTOR_STATE = 0x00,
    SECTOR_NET   = 0x01,
    SECTOR_SD    = 0x02

The first byte of each sector (SECTOR_STATE) describes if the sector is empty or already used. On boot, we scan sector by sector until we find an empty one to store new data.

The SECTOR_NET and SECTOR_SD bytes of each sector contain the flags related to the publish state of contained data. This bytes are only marked if all the groups of the sector are already published and the sector is full.

When all flash sectors are marked as used we will erase the oldest data sector and reuse it.

Data groups

Readings are grouped by the time there were taken and saved sequentially inside flash memory sectors. On the beginning of each group, we store information about it.

enum GroupAddr {
    GROUP_SIZE =        0x00,
    GROUP_NET  =        0x02,
    GROUP_SD   =        0x03,
    GROUP_TIME =        0x04,
    GROUP_READINGS =    0x08

In the GROUP_SIZE bytes, we store the size in bytes of the full group with all its contents. This allows us to start reading the sector starting on the first group and jump from group to group very fast.

The GROUP_NET and GROUP_SD bytes of each group contain the flags related to the publishing state of contained data, as default they are in NOT_PUBLISHED state until we set them to PUBLISHED.

The time and date of when these readings were taken is stored in the GROUP_TIME bytes in Epoch time format.

Starting on the GROUP_READINGS byte, we store the sensor readings data (256 max). The first byte of each reading contains its full size in bytes, the second byte the sensor identifier (SensorType) and starting on the third byte the sensor data is stored in ASCII chars.


A normal reading group with the default urban board hardware installed is composed by 11 readings, we expect each reading to take 7 bytes: an average of 5 bytes for the reading itself plus 2 overhead bytes for SensorType and size, so each group should have a total of 77 bytes of readings, 2 bytes of size, 2 bytes of flags and 4 bytes of the time stamp. That means we can expect a normal group to be around 85 bytes.


We have 8 MB (8,388,608 bytes) of flash memory that means storing almost 100,000 groups of readings or around 70 days of readings with standard sensor hardware. This number can vary a little, because we will lose some space at the end of each sector.

About flash memory lifespan, rounding numbers we can say we have enough space to store 2 months (60 days) of readings, according to the Flash memory datasheet we have at least 100,000 erase cycles: 2 months per cycle means 200,000 months that's more than 16k years!!.

User interface

Some aspects of the flash memory can be managed by the user via the SCK shell interface, issuing the help command you can see a brief description of the flash command interface:

flash: Shows and manage flash memory state [no-param -> info] [-format (be carefull)] [-dump sect-num (0-2040)] [-sector sect-num] [-recover sect-num/all net/sd]

Without any parameter, the flash command will scan the memory and print out a table of its contents, showing totals at the end. Be patient, scanning can take a long time if your flash has data. Below there is a summary of each option:

  • -format: will erase the full flash memory.
  • -dump: will dump (in hexadecimal values) the content of the requested sector.
  • -sector: will show general information about the data contained on the requested sector.
  • -recover: takes 2 parameters: the sector number or the keyword all and one keyword to indicate how to recover the data (net or sd)

Source files


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