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Smart Citizen Kit

A note about versions

The SCK 2.0 was the development version for the now commercially available SCK 2.1 sponsored thanks to the iSCAPE project under European Community’s H2020 Programme under Grant Agreement No. 689954

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👂 Measurements

All the Smart Citizen Kit new sensors generation measure at least air temperature, relative humidity, noise level, ambient light, barometric pressure and particulate matter (PM).

SCK 2.0

The non-commercially available SCK 2.0 components are listed below:

  1. Smart Citizen Kit 2.0 with Particle Sensor and battery with two mounting brackets.
  2. MicroSD card and microSD adapter to SD.
  3. USB cable and a USB charger.

The measurements of the SCK2.0 are listed below:

Measurement Units Sensors
Air temperature ºC Sensirion SHT-31
Relative Humidity % REL Sensirion SHT-31
Noise level dBA Invensense ICS-434342
Ambient light Lux Rohm BH1721FVC
Barometric pressure Pa NXP MPL3115A26
Particulate Matter PM 1 / 2.5 / 10 µg/m3 Planttower PMS 5003

Find out more

Except for the sensors, most information about the SCK2.0 is the same as the one for SCK2.1. More information about the metal oxyde sensors can be found here

The firmware for the 2.0 is still maintained and can be found in Github.