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Upload data to Zenodo

Uploading results to Zenodo is also possible using the data analysis framework.

Once you have your data organised in a test, you can upload it directly to Zenodo and share it with others. An example of this is provided in the example notebook.

Set it up

For this to work, we need to have a token in an environment variable called ZENODO_TOKEN. Once you have it, open up a terminal and add it to your environment like:

export ZENODO_TOKEN=fake-zenodo-token

In the same terminal, check it's there:


Then launch jupyter-lab or start using your python scripts.

Alternatively, you can store a .env file in a place of your liking with your token:


And then load it like:

export $(grep -v '^#' .env | xargs -0)

Prepare the data

Next, you can define a upload.yaml file to describe the upload (see one example here:

  title: 'Example Data 1'
  description: 'This field accepts <strong>HTML</strong>'
  upload_type: 'dataset'
  keywords: ['Low-Cost Sensors', 'Air Quality', 'Citizen Science']
  creators: [{'name': 'Author 1', 'affiliation': 'Affiliation 1', 'orcid': '0000-0000-0000-0001'}, 
            {'name': 'Author 2', 'affiliation': 'Affiliation 2', 'orcid': '0000-0000-0000-0002'}] 
  tests: ['TEST_1', 'TEST_2']
  access_right: 'open'
    include_processed_data: false
    include_footer_doi: true
  communities: [{ "identifier": "community_in_zenodo"}]
  grants: [{"id": "GRANT_ID"}]
  report: ['report.pdf']
  title: 'Example Data 2'
  description: 'This field accepts <strong>HTML</strong>'
  upload_type: 'dataset'
  keywords: ['Low-Cost Sensors', 'Air Quality', 'Citizen Science']
  creators: [{'name': 'Author 1', 'affiliation': 'Affiliation 1', 'orcid': '0000-0000-0000-0001'}, 
            {'name': 'Author 2', 'affiliation': 'Affiliation 2', 'orcid': '0000-0000-0000-0002'}] 
  tests: ['TEST_3', 'TEST_4']
  access_right: 'open'
    include_processed_data: false
    include_footer_doi: false
  communities: [{ "identifier": "community_in_zenodo"}]
  grants: [{"id": "GRANT_ID"}]
  report: ['report_2.pdf']


All the keys below are linked to the zenodo documentation

Different uploads can be defined by each main key: example_upload_1.json and example_upload_2.json. Each of them contains the following information (all of them can be later modified or added in the web interface in

Metadata for Zenodo

  • title: Name for the dataset
  • description: dataset description (mandatory). This field accepts HTML
  • upload_type: 'dataset' (mandatory - always, for now)
  • keywords: list of keywords, such as ['Low-Cost Sensors', 'Air Quality', 'Citizen Science']
  • creators: dictionary containing the authors. Can contain the name, the affiliation and an orcid
  • access_right: 'open' (other options in the zenodo documentation)
  • communities: id for the zenodo data community
  • grants: grant id


  • tests: ['TEST_1', 'TEST_2']
  • options:
    • include_processed_data: true or false. Whether or not to include the processed data from the processed folder in the test directory
    • include_footer_doi: true. If there is a report attached, add a nice footer to it with the DOI
  • report: list of reports to attach. Must be also in the data/uploads folder

To upload the datasets, we can use the zenodo sandbox and a dry_run, to check everything is running well. Then, make these defaults to False to actually upload it:

# You can use the for tests, as well as a dry_run. When you are happy with your upload, set these variables to False
# Then go to uploads in the zenodo section and publish whenever you are ready
data.upload_to_zenodo('example_zenodo_upload', sandbox = False, dry_run = True)


Note that a .json file will be created in the data/uploads folder containing the metadata necessary for the upload (as liked by zenodo API). You can securely delete this file once you are done. Note that, in case include_footer_doi=true, the actual pdf to upload will be report_doi.pdf

Finally, to actually deploy the dataset, you need to visit the deposit section and aprove it manually.