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This is a live compilation of our participation and results in some research projects we are/have been involved with:

European Commission

  • Making Sense: advances and experiments in participatory sensing. (Grant agreement Nº: 688620). Making Sense explored how open source software, open source hardware, digital maker practices and open design can be effectively used by local communities to fabricate their own sensing tools, make sense of their environments and address pressing environmental problems in air, water, soil and sound pollution.
  • iScape: Improving the Smart Control of Air Pollution in Europe (Grant agreement Nº: 689954). iScape works on integrating and advancing the control of air quality and carbon emissions in European cities in the context of climate change through the development of sustainable and passive air pollution remediation strategies, policy interventions and behavioural change initiatives.
  • GROW Observatory: (Grant agreement Nº: 690199). A citizens' observatory for growers, researchers and decision makers, aiming to build better soil through Citizen Science.

Documents and results

More projects

Patí Científic Workshop

Although not H2020 projects, the projects below have allowed us to further our connections with scientific research institutions, and have contributed to the development of the Smart Citizen project. We are proud to have worked with:

Academic publications

Find below some of our own publications, or others' that have used the Smart Citizen hardware and software.
